Thursday, November 24, 2011

Twinsight 37 of 50: Express Your Own Hallelujah

Hope you're having a nice Thanksgiving. I appreciate how this holiday pulls us back from the daily grind and reminds us to be more thankful while giving us the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. I also appreciate the fact that the normal flow of email (not counting retail ads) slows way down for a few days. That reprieve is a welcoming blessing in and of itself! On the other hand, I also know that if plans don't fall in place to be part of a gathering or life is particularly challenging, any holiday can be lonely and the pain of life can be amplified.

Whatever's going on in your life today, I want to invite you to get into the Christmas spirit by taking a look at the this heart-warming video rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus. It's only four minutes and I guarantee that it will raise your spirits more than hours at the mall ever could. It was developed by the small Yupiq Eskimo Village of Quinhagak, Alaska, for a school computer project. Those who developed it intended it for other Yupiq villages in the area, but it's gone viral on YouTube. Thanks to our friend, John Quam, for sharing it with us.

We don't need to wait until our lives are all figured out before we come to God. He loves our humble praises...our expressions of gratitude even when life is far from perfect...our shouts of joy in any form and in any way. He invites us to come as we are. Hallelujah.

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